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November 23 Issue


Can It

Upon the announcement of this issues theme being surreal, moody and controversial, I immediately pictured the fun and playful camp fashion styled in moody settings. Seeing as this is for a fashion and lifestyle magazine, I felt the need to write about how effortless it can be to incorporate this extravagant and unwieldy style into everyday occasions. My goal for this editorial was to encourage people to not be afraid of acquiring unique and uncommon articles of fashion. By pointing out the little ways that we play with the boundaries of taste in fashion, it can be less intimidating to swim farther into the deep end. 

Writing for the public was something I never thought I would do, until taking creative writing classes. This opened my mind to new possibilities, and gave me the courage to write for Modmuze and start my own blog. I definitely feel as though I still have progress to make with my writing skills, however, it was nice to see some of the other team members getting inspired by camp fashion after the release

Primarily focusing my attention on the styling department during the all-team meetings, I had lots of ideas to dwell on. There was originally going to be a third photoshoot with a model on the equestrian team with one of the horses, however, due to it being the height of the competition season, I was unable to find a time at the stables. I knew I had to have a photoshoot at the University Art Museum but I was surprised when the pictures outside of the building turned out to be my favorite. Multiple models and outfits felt required to convey both the serious and playful sides to camp fashion. 

The layout needed to stay organized and crisp while allowing the chaotic style to flow without clashing. When designing the pictorial layout, I try to have the focal point of the images guide the eye through the pages.

Editorial Gallery

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